Learn How to Get Unstucked from a Game

Ever been stucked in a game?
Yeah, more or less I guess this already happened to everyone, so you know what I'm talking about.
That mixed feeling of crapiness and pleasure ('cos the game ain't playing with you! - litteraly) it makes you feel like it is really hard,... but... in the end (when it's not a bug - and it never is), generally, you see the solution was, in fact, very simple...

As I mencioned last time, lately I'm playing Phantasy Star II Text Adventures (wich are being great)

When I was playing Ann's Adventure, I got stuck, and noticed I actually have a strategy to get unstucked, and I usually feel like I've aquired a new objective in life, that is possible to acchieve by the full power of smartness! (only in the first hours, then it gets uncool)

May I present you my guide: How to Get Unstucked from Games:

I don't know about you guys... and I know it's a shame, but I usually get unstucked like this...

And then I get the feeling "OHHHHH YOU SPOLED IT!!!! I WAS ALMOOOST THERE!!"
or something like "this is so obvious... how couldn't I remind me of it!"

So, in Ann's Adventure I got stucked again (don't get the feeling the game is hard, I just wasn't in my full mode), and I was trying everything to prevent something like that to happen again, and this happened:

When the game thinks he's smarter than us, it's really anoying!


Phantasy Star II Text Adventures


Before I begin, I think this post may have some spoilers for the games, so If want to play them with full potential (wich I advise, 'cos they are very enjoyable) , please don't read any further!

Recently I started playing Phantasy Star II Text Adventures, a serie of 8 mini games (released in 1990 for Sega Mega Drive) revealing the backgrounds of the heroes from Phantasy Star II.

This games, as the name tells, are mainly text with only a few imagens to give us a ideia of major characters and monsters wich we encounter, as well as the background behind them.

It's very interesting to see how we imagine this scenes in our minds, and how that may differ so much from the minds of others, namely from the creators.

For example, In Ann's Adventure, I imagined a scene with Ann and Heinz (and we only see the face of Heinz waaay later from this scene), where Ann takes a dimate from Heinz's table and I think he may be pissed off with that, and in my head, it went on like this:

Yeah, I exagerated, I didn't think he was a jerk, but he was some german guy preocupied only with cure stuff (oh, btw, dimate is an item used to cure small injuries).
Later, when he appeared and finnaly showed his face, it was smth like this:

Yeah, I noticed the difference too...
So here he is, with some more justice to it:

So, Ann is a young doctor, and I imagined her like this:
But again, I was mistaken, because her suit is not so intriguing like the one I imagined. You can see it here:


There's a final scene where Heinz comes to rescue Ann from the Boss, a f* monster (Kite Dragon, I think), and he comes with a powerfull ring and kills the dragon with it!
So, I began imaging how the hell did he used the ring.

(like captain planet, in case you don't see it by the draw)
So, definetly  the coolest way to use a ring in battle is like in Captain Planet:

So, it's extremly funny how things can change in our mind when we haven't a clue about it!